
Aimée Engler

I was born and bred in South Australia. I had planned to get into history or archives and have a number of degrees in this area however God had other ideas for my life and here I am homeschooling my two primary school aged kids instead. He also sent me back to uni to study autism. I’m married to a high-school teacher who’d really rather be gardening, and we are actively involved in a church of the brethren persuasion (I say ‘persuasion’ because we’re a bit confused as to what we are, but the premise is bretho). My kids, my dog and I are neurodiverse but thankfully my husband isn’t as someone needs to be flexible!

I like: herbal teas and 95% chocolate, Wes Anderson movies, bike riding, spending time with my husband, researching and advocating for autism, reading, hiking, the idea of the beach, my ear plugs at night.

I dislike: coffee, cleaning, peas, injustice, cold feet, changing my routine, getting my head wet, sand, the reality of the beach, and a plethora of other sensory experiences. Oh, and cats.


If you are wondering why the title boldly claims ‘Contributors’ as opposed to ‘Single Contributor’, I applaud you on your intelligence! Just watch this space… (Although not for too long at any one time, as Murphy’s Law states that nothing ever happens while you’re watching, so perhaps go and do something useful and come back in a week’s time.)